Joining at the Bespoke level grants you 24-hour access and other bespoke perks. Email for more information and to set up an appointment. We welcome you to find out more in person on a visit during Nashwell.Cafe hours, Monday-Friday, at 1212 Ave K, Lubbock TX 79401. You will have access to a desk and potential buildout with a yearly lease, in addition to Lounge access, use of our business mailing address and 20% off of Nashwell.Cafe purchases.
Cloud Computing and Co-working, Hand in Hand
As an independent design professional at the moment, I enjoy a lot of personal freedom. With that personal freedom comes personal responsibility, and sometimes I struggle with that. Luckily for creative workers like me, there are tools out there we can use to impose structure on our otherwise fractured and whimsical minds. In my case, that tool is Elance.
In the meantime, we are still human, and no human is truly in the cloud(s). We are in front of our computers (or hopefully away from the computers being inspired to return to the computers and share), and for long periods of time this experience can be quite isolating. While the work we type, swipe and click away may take us further into our individual professional development, the worker in question must prairie-dog their head above the relative cubicle walls to analyse their surroundings. Who in this office community will help shepherd your individual work in the right direction?
Because I have no cubicle walls to prairie-dog, and working alone, for me anyway, has it’s limitations, I must engage in the community of similar workers with similar feelings and similar longings and needs. This movement out of my home and into co-located desk space is commonly called the Co-working movement, and I embrace it wholeheartedly. Going back to what I was saying about Elance as an online work management solution, co-working spaces like HUB Sydney are the other side of that fortuitous coin.
On one hand we have the global supply and demand of work through online platforms. On the other hand with have inherent human needs for community and companionship. People must come together to realise their full potential. Anyone who has played in a team sport, sung in a choir, acted in a play, or served on a board of directors will tell you that. We already know it. It takes events like Marissa Mayer, CEO at Yahoo, repealing the work at home policy to get her workforce back together work as a team and pull the company in a new direction.